Distribution Management
MCAS Miramar Logo
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California


Provide Distribution Management support by executing quality and responsive transportation support in the forms of packaging and crating, freight shipping and receiving, personal property services, and passenger travel services to the air station supporting establishment and the tenant units.

Contact Information

Personal Property Office

(858) 307-1670

(858) 307-1671

Passenger Travel Office/ Official Passport

(858) 307-1298

(858) 307-1303

Freight Operations

Shipping: (858) 307-1399/1400

Receiving: (858) 307-1403

Preservation, Packaging, Packing, and Marking

(858) 307-1241

Chain of Command

Director: CWO2 Kimberly Bolinsky
Email: Kimberly.keahey@usmc.mil
Phone Number: (858) 307-4596

Traffic Manager: Mr. Louis Rodriguez
Email: Louis.t.rodriguez@usmc.mil
Phone Number: (858) 307-4845

Distribution Chief: MSgt Jose Miranda
Email: Jose.miranda3@usmc.mil
Phone Number: (858) 307-4546


Distribution Management Office (JRC, Bldg. 2258)
Monday – Friday: 0730-1600  

Official No fee Passports (Appointments only ) Monday 0730-1030/1300-1400 and Tuesday from 0730 – 1030

Freight Operation (Bldg. 7209, Bay door 12)
Monday – Friday: 0730-1600

DMO Travel Policy

DMOs are directed by the Defense Traffic Management Regulation DTR to comply with and enforce the policies, procedures and regulations pertaining to defense sponsored travel and transportation. This includes determining the availability or non-availability of government air transportation in connection with arranging international or transoceanic travel. Transportation is an entitlement for travel of civilians, military personnel and/or dependents. The nature (accompanied/unaccompanied) and duration of the individual's assignment to a particular station determine the legal right to one or more of the allowances. Travel and transportation allowances authorized at government expense for military and civilian personnel are prescribed by the JFTR. However Pets are NOT an entitlement.  The JFTR and JTR are implemented by the Secretaries of the Armed Services in accordance with authority contained in public law. They are regarded as statutory regulations having the force and effect of law. The JFTR/JTR must be used in determining entitlement of military and civilian personnel of the Marine Corps to travel and transportation allowances at government expense.


Make arrangements for commercial, air travel, car rental, and hotel accommodations under Temporary Additional Duty (TAD). Members should make all requests through the Defensive Travel System (DTS).


Travel orders establish the authorization for official travel and transportation at government expense and provide the basis for the traveler's reimbursement. Orders must be endorsed to describe transportation furnished. Personnel traveling on official business are expected to exercise prudence in incurring travel expenses. Authorization for the performance of local travel by verbal, letter or message or by travel order is deemed appropriate for funding approval purposes.


Order writing activities/administrative officers and individuals shall identify travel requirements to the transportation office as soon as specific travel dates are established. Reservations need not be delayed until orders have been received. Timely identification of travel requirements will enhance the opportunity to use reduced fares and prevent un-warranted delays.


Commercial transportation shall be employed for the travel of persons between points within CONUS when such transportation is readily available and capable of meeting mission requirements. Travel by other modes, such as passenger vehicle, may be authorized as advantageous only when the use of common carrier transportation would seriously interfere with the performance of official business, impose an undue hardship on the traveler, or when the total cost by common carrier would exceed the cost by some other method of transportation. Travel beyond the Continental United States Government transportation (AMC) shall be employed for the travel of persons beyond the mainland boundaries of the United States when such transportation is available and meets the requirements of the Marine Corps.


All Marine Corps sponsored travelers, to include infants, are entitled to a separate seat when traveling on government and government-procured transportation. Infants shall be transported in appropriate infant seats for safety purposes.


When traveling between city/airport-pairs, contract air or rail service is the primary fare for official government travel. While fares equal to or lower than contract fares subsequently may be offered by competing, non-contract carriers on some routes, the government remains obligated to use contract carriers unless they fail to meet mission needs or qualify under one of the exceptions listed below.
Space or scheduled flights were not available in time to accomplish the purpose of travel; or
Use of contract service would require the traveler to incur unnecessary overnight lodging costs which would increase the total cost of the trip; or

The contractor's flight schedule is inconsistent with/will not meet mission requirements or where applicable, does not allow travel during normal working hours; or

A non-contract carrier offers a lower fare available to the general public, the use of which will result in a lower total trip cost to the Government, to include the combined costs of transportation, lodging, meals and related expenses, provided the unit is prepared to accept the penalties when this travel is selected and subsequently cancelled for any reason.


Carrier tariffs prohibit use of contract fares for circuitous travel and personal use. Transportation costs in excess of transportation from origin to destination via the most direct route cannot be charged to the GTR.


Airlines offer restricted fares at a far lower price than unrestricted fares. These fares are often cheaper than government contract fares; however, the restrictions make them an undesirable option. The restrictions may include various travel requirements such as round trip and minimum stay, as well as penalties for change and/or cancellation. These fares have penalties that apply when a ticket/itinerary is changed or canceled. Penalties normally range from 25 to 100 percent of the value of the ticket. Restricted airfares lower than contract airfares may be authorized by the DMO when they meet mission requirements, the restrictions are acceptable to the command, and they do not place an unavoidable burden on the travelers. The lower fare(s) may be used based on an application of exception number 3 above. DMO will not select a non-contract fare with restrictions when a government contract fare exists unless requested by the command for TAD travel.

When a restricted fare is requested by the unit, this information will be requested in the travel orders using the statement "Restricted fare requested and, if levied, cancellation/penalty fee authorized by (activity name)." This statement acknowledges the fact that the order-issuing authority understands the risks involved and accepts the fact that if the orders are canceled or modified after issuance of tickets, the penalty fee will be charged against their travel funds whether or not travel is performed.

(Application of the Administrative Service Fee) Administrative service fees levied by airlines on restricted fares are not payable by the government unless the change was the result of an official action. The traveler will require written justification (orders modification, etc.) to substantiate the change. Changes for personal convenience are paid by the traveler.


Consistent with DoD policy, Marine Corps sponsored travelers who are authorized to use commercial air carriers within or outside the United States for official business will use less than first-class accommodations.

Approving Authority for the Use of First-Class Air Accommodations. Regardless of rank when circumstances require first-class air travel, authorization must be obtained from the Secretary of the Navy via the Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code MMOS).

Procedures/Circumstances Required for First-Class Air Travel. First-class air travel can only be used when exceptional circumstances dictate use of this class accommodation. Such circumstances primarily involve considerations of security and when travel must be performed at a specific time and no other accommodations are available. Authorization for the use of first-class air accommodations shall be made in advance of the actual travel unless extenuating circumstances or emergency situations make advance authorization impossible. If advance authorization cannot be obtained, written approval from the CMC, Code MMOS shall be obtained at the earliest possible time.

Prior authorization or subsequent approval not required when:
First-class is the only service offered between origin and destination, including connecting points. The traveler must certify the single class of service on the travel voucher.

A traveler wishes to fly first-class, paying the additional charge to the carrier or CTO from personal funds.
Blanket approval (prior authorization or subsequent approval not required) when:

The Chief of Mortuary Affairs determines that coach class accommodations for person escorting remains will not allow arrival in time to meet funeral home and burial commitments. Marine Corps escort officers are required to accompany foreign military officers, provided all costs are paid from foreign military sales funds.


The Secretary of the Navy may grant blanket authority to an individual for use of first-class travel on a continuing basis. This is done only in exceptional cases of unquestionable justification, such as a physically handicapped person incapable of traveling in less than first-class accommodations. When travel occurs under such authority, it is required that the date of the blanket authority, date of travel and the route traveled be reported to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code MMOS).


In all cases, proper documentation must be maintained to support first-class travel. The transportation endorsement to the original orders shall contain the reason for use of first-class accommodations and the approving agency. In the absence of authorization or approval, the traveler is responsible for all additional costs resulting from the use of first-class travel.


Business class travel will only be arranged for the following circumstances.
If coach class is not available and the only other alternative that would meet the mission is the use of foreign flag air transportation, the local transportation officer or appropriate authority may approve business class travel on U.S. flag air carriers. This policy applies to all personnel traveling on official business. Refer to JFTR paragraph U3125-B2 JFTR . The T/O will endorse the original orders accordingly.
Business class travel is required to support mission requirements. The order writer must place a statement in the original orders indicating “mission requirement requires business class accommodations”. Flights in excess of 14 hours alone do not support the use of business class unless the orders contain a statement indicating business class required to support mission requirements.
Coach or economy class is the only level of service authorized for domestic flights. This policy applies to Foreign Military Sales (FMS).
E- Tickets are available if required.


Unless otherwise stated in travel orders as a mission requirement, a subcompact rental car will be selected.
Reference: The provisions of U2000 of the JFTR and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 5 CFR Part 2635, contain applicable instructions regarding these subjects.


If a traveler is denied boarding on commercial flights, the airline will provide the traveler with a letter stating the flight was overbooked. Any monetary compensation provided to the traveler as a result of the airline’s failure to provide confirmed reserved space is the property of the U.S Government and is to be turned over to the local disbursing office. If the airline provides a free airline ticket, this will be turned over to the local DMO for use by the traveler on a subsequent trip.


These payments, made because of airline over bookings, are distinguishable from penalty payments and can be retained by the traveler if he or she voluntarily relinquishes a seat on the condition that:
The surrendering of the seat does not interfere with the performance of the traveler's official duties or mission accomplishment.
Any additional travel expense incurred must be offset against such compensation by the traveler.
If giving up the seat delays the traveler, the traveler is responsible for any lost time which may occur.


Participation in frequent flier programs is voluntary. A single account for government generated miles is required. Programs containing both official and unofficial miles are the property of the government per the JFTR.

Obtaining transportation on other than the least cost carrier, based upon the uncertain potential that such a decision would ultimately result in a cost savings, is not authorized. Official transportation will not be arranged on a carrier solely to obtain frequent flier points, free tickets, and any other amenities or gifts.

To the maximum extent practical, overall travel costs should be reduced by using benefits earned through frequent traveler programs to obtain free airline tickets, rooms, and rental vehicles. However, the member may elect to use earned mileage credits for accommodation upgrades while on official government travel. Official travelers may accept free upgrading of service to first-class, membership in clubs and check-cashing privileges.


DTS “Passenger Travel" Account 
Ticket Itinerary 
GSA City Pairs Rates


The Distribution Management Office (DMO) is open from 0730 – 1600 Monday through Friday. Thursday will be closed at 1400 for training, and excluding holidays. PCS workshop classes are given once every month at the education center hub. We are located on MCAS Miramar at BLDG 2258 the JRC. Walk-ins are welcome.

While filling out the initial paperwork, we ask that you estimate 1000 lbs. per room, be sure to include garage and any storage areas. The regulations and the local moving companies require any shipment under 5,000 lbs. can be packed and picked up in one day, shipments 5,000 to 10,000 lbs. will take one day to pack and one day to pick up, anything 10,000 or more will require two days to pack and one day to pick up.

Shipments in excess of your maximum entitlement are at your expense. Quite often, excess costs can be extremely expensive. Excess costs can be caused by excessive weight or distance. If you are on separation orders and your home of record or place of entry into active duty is;
EXAMPLE: Dallas, TX and you want to ship to Boston, MA…you could have excess costs.

Many times excess charges are due to attempted pack/pickup or delivery of your property. If, during a pack out, you or your designated agent are not at the residence, the movers do not have to wait, they can leave and charge you an “attempt” fee. The military member, spouse or a designated person over the age of 18 must be present at all times during the move. Do not leave pack crews in your residence unsupervised, they are required to leave and your move will have to be rescheduled…and you may be charged an attempt fee.

Some excess charges are due to the military member/spouse not being ready to move or the house is dirty or has an insect infestation. If the packers arrive at the residence and the house is dirty or there is an insect infestation…the member will be charged for an attempt and the move will have to be rescheduled.


Upon arrival at MCAS Miramar call 32nd St at (855) 444 - 6683 for the shipment of your Household Goods. You can directly contact your moving company.


Organize and plan, You should go through your house and dispose/sell/give away unwanted items to ensure you do not exceed your maximum weight limit.

Prior to move day, the local Agent who is packing will contact you for a pre-move survey. Shipments within CONUS estimated 3200 lbs. or more should have a physical pre-move survey. If you are not contacted three working days prior to your pack date, call DMO (858) 307-1670.

Items must be clean and free of soil and insect/rodent infestation. If the movers feel your residence is not ready for packing, they can refuse to move you. This result in a delay of your move and you can be charged for an attempted pickup. It is your responsibility to ensure your personal property is ready to be moved.

We recommend you do not ship valuable jewelry or other small valuable items. Most people put these items in a room and ask the movers to leave this area off limits, but it has been known to get packed anyway. The safest place to ensure these items and important documents (passports, tickets, cash, military documents) are not packed is to place these items in your vehicle during the packing dates. Remember….reimbursement for expensive and easily valuable items may be disallowed totally or in part if you decide to ship them without added insurance or if you cannot substantiate ownership, proof of value or prove that they were shipped.

Prepare a list of small valuable items. Complete a detailed list of items, do not just annotate a 35mm camera…list it as it is….a Canon AE1 program with 55mm lens. Do this for all you small items or high value items. Many people videotape their belongings to show proof of ownership or take pictures of your property prior to the move…. This will also show the condition of the property prior to packing. You should have a list of all your music CDs, videos, etc.

You must disconnect your washer and dryer, the refrigerator must be defrosted, all appliances must be disconnected, and items in hard to reach places must be taken down. This is not the responsibility of the packers/movers; they are not required to move items from attics or crawl spaces. Packers can pack stereo equipment in original cartons if you have them and these cartons are serviceable. If you have any items requiring special disassembly, ensure you identify them during the DMO counseling and during pre-move survey.
All outdoor play equipment, TV antennas, storage sheds, dog runs and other such items must be disassembled by the military member….this is not a requirement of the movers.


If you are declaring professional gear, it must be annotated on the application for shipment (DD1299). Pro gear does not count against your weight entitlement provided it is declared on your application and identified on the inventory. Pro gear includes reference materials, books, special clothing (such as flight gear or specialized medical uniforms), it includes plaques and memorabilia. It does not include your basic uniform issue or your spouse’s professional books, papers and equipment. You should stage pro gear together so it can be packed and marked as such, it must be annotated as “pro” gear or books, papers and equipment.
NOTE: Claiming professional items after the move is usually not approved and could result in your shipment exceeding the weight allowance.


The movers can arrive anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. You can call the local agent the day before the move to get an approximate show time, they are only obligated to advise you either morning or afternoon…but it is your responsibility to be at your residence or place of pack out between 8:00 a.m. and 5p.m.

It makes the day go smoother if you have your children and pets stay at a friend’s house during the packing and loading of your shipment.

When the movers arrive ask who the Crew Leader is. Take him/her around the house and show them what needs to be packed. While doing this, point out any items of concern. Show them which bathroom the pack crew may use and where to put their belongings if needed.

You may have a different crews show up on pack and pickup dates, so again show the Crew Leader the bathroom they may use and where they can put their belongings if needed.

Your job is to supervise the move… the movers will pack everything. You should not impede their progress. If you are organized it will make it easier to unpack at destination. If you and the movers disagree on something, call DMO.  The movers are required to comply with the provisions of the contract, sometimes that means you are asking for something not in the contract or a service that is not required of the movers.

The inventory is your most important document. It is your proof of tender to the carrier…that you had an item that the movers packed and moved. Ensure the model and serial numbers of high value items and all electrical equipment is listed on the inventory. If it's not on the inventory, you didn't ship it. Pay close attention to the exception symbols used by the carrier to describe the condition of your household goods. If you disagree with the inventory, there is a space for exceptions on the bottom of each page. Annotate the inventory number with the name of the item and that you disagree with the condition of the item… DO NOT GET INTO AN ARGUMENT WITH THE MOVERS, IT DOESN’T SOLVE ANYTHING….call DMO Quality Control. Do not pack your moving documents (DD1299, inventory, GBL) you will need these when you arrive at destination, you must call the destination DMO when you arrive and let them know you are in the area, give them your contact information so you can be notified when your shipment arrives. Take these and your other important documents (school records, medical records, bank records, etc.) with you along with your original orders.

Prior to the driver leaving, ask when he plans on getting to destination and if the Carrier has an 800 number for “in-transit visibility”. His response will only be an estimate as something could come up and re-route him. You should communicate with the Carrier’s Operations Center (at the 800#) if you are attempting a direct delivery. The RDD is the date the carrier should have your shipment at destination without incurring a penalty, it can get to destination sooner and unfortunately….it could arrive late. Quite often the driver arrives before the RDD and the shipment is placed into storage.

You will be required to sign several forms on behalf of the government. These forms are used to verify packing material used, and any “special requirements” needed for the movement of your shipment. Please do not sign these forms until you have read and agree with these material counts and services.

Temporary Storage (SIT) is authorized at destination for 90 days in connection with your move unless you are shipping from a Government storage location (NTS) or performing a local move. The destination DMO may approve additional storage on a case-by- case basis. You must request additional storage prior to the expiration of your storage entitlement. If your shipment is coming out of permanent storage (NTS) the temporary storage entitlement is not authorized except for extremely unique circumstances.


This program is available to military members and the next of kin of a deceased member.  The program allows members to personally move household goods (HHG) and collect an incentive payment from the government when they have orders for permanent change of station (PCS), temporary duty (TDY), separation or retirement, or assignment to, from, or between Government quarters.  A member can use rental or privately owned vehicles to move HHG instead of having the Government ship them.  Members may use the program to move all or a portion of their authorized JFTR weight allowance.  The personal property counselors will provide members information on the methods and procedures for making the move and advises members that they may choose one of the methods stated below, either alone or in conjunction with a government arranged move.  The counselor also prepares DD Form 2278 (Application for PPM Move) for members.  The personal property office does not, as policy, advise members to move their property first and then complete the required documentation afterwards as this may result in forfeiture of incentive. Members may choose one of the following methods:


Members may rent normal types of rental vehicles, equipment, moving aids, and packing material and the member performs all labor for the move.  An advance operating allowance is authorized when using this method. An Advance Operating Allowance of up to 50% of your estimated final incentive payment is authorized when using this method to offset anticipated expenses for rental vehicle, gas, tolls, packing material and other authorized expenses. If you elect to draw an advance operating allowance, your package to settle your PPM claim must be received by TVCD 45 days of receiving the advance or you will be subject to a pay checkage for active duty and retired marines, or other collection actions for separated marines.


Members may use their own or a borrowed POV.  Members must have written permission from the vehicle owner for all POV PPM moves; the current vehicle registration is also required.  The purpose of an advance operating allowance is to offset anticipated expenses for rental vehicle, gas, tolls, packing materials and other authorized expenses. Marines normally receive mileage and other allowances while conducting PCS, separation or retirement moves, so an advance operating allowance is highly discouraged to ensure you do not have to pay back any funds advanced to you should you over estimate the weight of the household goods moved by POV. If you elect to draw an advance operating allowance, your package to settle your PPM claim must be received by TVCD within 45 days of receiving the advance or you will be subject to a pay checkage for active duty and retired marines, or other collection actions for separated marines.


DPS “Personal Property” Account
DPS “Account Set-up/Walk-through” (.pdf)
It’s your Move Pamphlet
Status Check on Payment for PPM
Rules and Regulation for PPM (.pdf)
DD Form 1351-2 (Travel Voucher) (.pdf)
Assembly of PPMs (.pdf)
PPM Checklist (.pdf)


UDP Walkthrough (.pdf)
Statement of Understanding (.pdf)
Authorization of Storage (.pdf)
Termination of Storage (.pdf)
Unit Representative Letter (.pdf)
DD 1299 (Delivery) (.pdf)
DD1299 (PICK-UP) (.pdf)
DD Form 1797 (.pdf)
UDP Roster (DELIVERY) (.pdf)
UDP Roster (PICK-UP) (.pdf)
POV Storage Packet (.pdf) 

Per the references (a) JFTR U4770-B and (b) MCO P4600.39, the only Marines authorized government storage is single personnel who reside in the barracks and will be deployed for 90 days or more.  Any married personnel, geo-bachelors, single parents, or single personnel collecting Basic Housing Allowance (BAH) are not authorized government storage.  Distribution Management Office will verify with the unit representatives if service members are collecting BAH through I-PAC. Personnel collecting BAH and using government storage will be subject to forfeiture of their BAH until their return.

Example: If a service member elects to send their family back home prior to deployment, and temporarily lives in the barracks, this does not constitute as a geo-bachelor, therefore are not entitled to government storage.

- Unit deployment representatives will be from the units S4 section. Unit representatives are responsible for the following:
- Ensuring accountability of the Marines that are either receiving or getting goods stored.
- Ensuring that all of the documentation is completed correctly.
- Communicating to the DMO office in a timely manner (15 business days) for pickups/deliveries or any changes.
-  Must be present during the entire process or the Marines getting their household goods delivered or picked up (0730- to completion)

NOTE: Cancelations must be submitted within a 24 hour notice or will receive an attempt fee from the delivering company.  Marines that are not available during the pick-up and drop off will receive an attempt fee. This date was established by the unit, not by the Distribution Management Office.  If cancellation is not done, attempt fee will be charged for re-delivery/pick-up.


The following paperwork is required to the DMO office by the unit representatives for all pickups and deliveries.
- Statement of Understanding (SOU) will be initialed and signed off by the S4 officer, so the DMO office knows each individual unit representative reads and understands all responsibilities they are required to perform.
- Unit Representative Letter, who the Units Commanding Officer has appointed as the designated member to schedule the pick-up and delivery dates for the unit.
- DD Form 1299 required for delivery and pick up
NOTE: DD Form 1299 requires Marines FULL Social Security Number not the Marines EDIPI number. The DMO system does not recognize Marines EDIPI number.  Units/Marines that fail to comply will delay their process of personal property storage or release.
- Roster for BOTH delivery or pick up of every Marine that turned in a DD 1299 requiring storage or delivery of their personal property.
- Storage Letter Authorization, which is signed by the units Commanding Officer used to notify DMO the unit will be deploying and requiring storage.
- Termination of deployment letter, which is singed off by the unit’s Commanding Officer.  This is used to notify DMO now that the unit is returning and requiring the delivery of the Marines’ personal property.
NOTE: Units’ Statement of understanding, unit representative letter, Authorization for storage letter, and Unit Termination letter must be updated quarterly to ensure a smooth process.


- Be present at assigned barracks and room from 0730 - to completion
- Good point of contact number and next of kin information for each individual.
- Make sure all of your personal property are inventoried correctly

NOTE: Ensure that each Marine is actually storing their personal property.
Example: Marine decides last minute that he is not going to utilize Government storage and did not cancel his pick-up. So Marine places a dust pan into storage to avoid any charges. 
NOTE: The Distribution Management Office will communicate with the unit representative in order to avoid any confusion. We will not communicate with the individual Marine.


Storage – The individual Marines that require vehicle storage will setup this process through unit representatives. The POV lot is located at East Miramar and will be opened weekly Monday – Friday at 0900 and 1300. The unit representatives will ensure the individual Marine has a POV packet properly filled out and copies of the following:
- Insurance
- Registration
- Driver’s license
- Military ID

Vehicle information needs to be current and up-to-date at the time DMO takes possession of the vehicle. 
Pick up – Unit representative will coordinate a time and date prior to the Marines returning for them to pick up their vehicles and will provide a ride for the Marines to the POV lot. Unit representatives will have the Marines show up at the DMO office at least 15 minutes prior the scheduled time for the storage or release of the vehicles.

NOTE: Unit representatives will ensure the Marines have a ride back from the POV lot after the storage process is complete.


Official no fee passport applications will be appointment basis only on  Monday 0730-1030/1300-1400 and Tuesday from 0730 – 1030 contact 858-307-1303/858-307-1298 to schedule your appointment. All applicants must be on orders to obtain an Official/No Fee passport. Applicants must also provide all the requirements listed below on the day they apply. The passport application requirements will be separated by Unit Deployment/ TAD and Permanent Change of Station.

Turnaround time for passports and Visas is 6-8 weeks. Recommend you apply as soon as possible.   AS OF 8 AUGUST 2011 ALL PASSPORTS MUST BE SIGNED IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A VISA.


THE PASSPORT APPLICATION may be a DS-11 for first time applicants, OR a DS-82 for renewal of a passport. ALL passport applications must be completed electronically using the online wizard found in the travel.state.gov website.

- If your child is under the age of 16 and was previously issued a No-fee passport, ensure you submit a DS-11 with the previously issued passport.
- If you are submitting a DS-82, a colored copy of the data page that displays your photo and signed signature line, is required.  Please note: If you are in receipt of a Special Issuance Passport you must surrender that passport. 
- Please notify the passport Agent if a biological parent of the child that is listed on his or hers birth certificate will not be present. Additional information will be required.
- Once printed no pen changes can be made to a DS-11 or DS-82 with the 2D Bar code on the top left corner.
- If your previously issued No-fee passport was LOST or STOLEN, you must submit a DS-11 and DS-64. 


- Original Birth Certificate or Naturalization Certificate if the applicant is a Naturalized citizen.
- Tourist or previously issued No-fee Passport, a colored copy of the data page that displays your photo and signed signature line, is required.  Please note: If you are in receipt of a Special Issuance Passport you must surrender that passport. 
- Certified true copy ONLY issued from the State Vital Records office.
- Consular Report of Birth Abroad
**Passport applications cannot be accepted without one of the above**
**If the child is under the age of 16 please READ MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF 16**


• Certified Copies without raised seal from legal.
• Abstract of Birth.
• Puerto Rican birth certificates issued before July 1, 2010.
• Hospital birth documents.
• Birth Cards.


-A Copy of applicants ID both front and back is required.
- A Copy of the Sponsors Military ID both front and back is required for EACH application.
- Minors under the Age of 16 do not have to provide a Copy of their Dependent ID.
****Applicants must BRING copies of their ID cards; no copies will be made at DMO. ****


- Original Marriage certificate that bears the legal name change.
- 1 Certified Copy of the Court Order with raised seal, date, and Judge’s signature.


- 1 Copy of the Sponsors orders must be placed in EACH application.


- (2) 2”x2” Pictures of EACH applicant must be provided.
Photos can be taken free of charge at COMMSTRAT, BLDG 9175.  Hours of Operation are Monday-Wednesday 0800-1100 and 1300-1530, Thursday-Friday 0800-1200 (858)307-6000. Photos can also be taken out in town for a fee.
• Photos cannot be taken in a Military uniform
• Must be taken within the past 6 months.
• Cannot have an overbearing smile.


Public Law 106-113 requires that either parents or legal guardians appear in person before a passport acceptance agent and both must, under oath, sign the passport application for a child under the age of 16. There will, however, be circumstances when only one parent or no parent is available to apply for the child. Following are guidelines for each case.


When both parents or legal guardian(s) are available and able to appear in person to apply for the passport for the minor, they must be able to establish three things:


· Valid Military ID Card (front and back)
· Valid Driver’s License (front and back)
· Valid US or foreign passport with recognizable photo
· Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship
· Alien Registration Card issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service


· Certified US Birth Record
· Certified Foreign Birth Record
· FS-240 Report of Birth Abroad
· DS-1350 Certification of Birth Abroad 
· Adoption decree (must show adoptive parent’s names)


  • Certified US Birth Record

  • FS-240 Report of Birth

  • DS-1350 Certification of Birth Abroad

  • Naturalization Certificate

  • Previous US Passport

  • Previous No-Fee Passport


The parent who appears in person must submit documentation to explain the absence of the other parent. One parent may sign the application if he/she can provide ONE of the following.

· Death Certificate of the other parent
· A notarized, signed statement (DS-3053) from the absent parent consenting to the issuance of a passport for the minor.
· The child’s certified Birth Record (US or foreign) which lists only the name of the parent making the application for the minor
· The child’s “Report of Birth Abroad” or “Certification of Birth Abroad” which lists only the name of the parent applying for the passport
· A court order granting sole custody to the parent who is making the application and which does not contain restrictions on the minor’s travel
· An adoption decree which lists the name of only the parent making the application.
· A judicial declaration of incompetence of the absent parent
· A copy of the commitment order or other comparable document for the incarcerated parent

If none of the above documentation is available, the parent who is applying for the passport must submit a non-notarized signed statement explaining why he/she cannot obtain the consent of the absent parent.


When there is no parent or guardian available to submit the application for the minor, then the person who applies for the child must appear in person with a NOTARIZED written statement or affidavit from either parents or custodial parent(s) authorizing him/her to apply for the passport of the minor. When the statement or affidavit is only from one parent, then evidence of sole custody must also be submitted.


When both parents (or both legal guardians) submit the application for the minor, the parents or guardians both must sign the application on the line in Item 21 of the DS-11 which is marked “Applicant’s Signature – Age 16 or older”. Until revised application forms are available, please follow this procedure.


THE PASSPORT APPLICATION may be a DS-11 for first time applicants, OR a DS-82 for renewal of a passport. ALL passport applications must be completed electronically using the online wizard found in the travel.state.gov website.

- Once printed no pen changes can be made to a DS-11 or DS-82 with the 2D Bar code on the top left corner.
- If you are providing a DS-82, you must submit your most recent passport.
- If your previously issued No-fee passport was LOST or STOLEN, you must submit a DS-11 and DS-64.


- Original Birth Certificate or Naturalization Certificate if the applicant is a Naturalized citizen.
- Tourist or previously issued No-fee Passport, a colored copy of the data page that displays your photo and signed signature line, is required.  Please note: If you are in receipt of a Special Issuance Passport you must surrender that passport. 
- Certified true copy ONLY issued from the State Vital Records office.
- Consular Report of Birth Abroad


• Certified Copies from Legal.
• Abstract of Birth.
• Puerto Rican birth certificates issued before July 1, 2010.
• Hospital birth documents.
• Birth Cards


-A copy of applicants military ID both front and back is required.
- It must be a legible copy. It cannot be too light or too dark.
            ****Applicants must BRING copies of their ID cards; no copies will be made at DMO. ****


-  Original Marriage certificate that bears the legal name change.
- 1 Certified Copy of The Court Order with raised seal, date, and Judge’s signature.


-Approved funded orders or memorandum in lieu of orders that has been approved by The State Department.
-Orders must state a country that require a no-fee passport by the Electronic Foreign Clearance Guide: https://www.fcg.pentagon.mil/


- (2) 2”x2” Pictures of EACH applicant must be provided.
Photos can be taken free of charge at COMMSTRAT, BLDG 9175.  Hours of Operation are Monday-Wednesday 0800-1100 and 1300-1530, Thursday-Friday 0800-1200 (858)307-6000. Photos can also be taken out in town for a fee.

• Photos cannot be taken in a Military uniform
• Must be taken within the past 6 months.
• Cannot have an overbearing smile.


Public Law 106-113 requires that either parents or legal guardians appear in person before a passport acceptance agent and both must, under oath, sign the passport application for a child under the age of 16. There will, however, be circumstances when only one parent or no parent is available to apply for the child. Following are guidelines for each case.


Special attention should be given when requesting expedited service. All requests for expedited passport services must be in writing and include a detailed justification. The request must be signed by a General Officer (GO) or a Senior Executive Service (SES) equivalent. In the absence of a GO or SES member, the organization Commander is authorized to sign the letter of expedite. Requests for expedited services must include validation (copy of travel orders) that the traveler has actual plans to travel to a country requiring the use of an Official or Diplomatic passport, in accordance with the DOD Foreign Area Clearance Guide.https://www.fcg.pentagon.mil/. These procedures apply to passport applications only; not to visa application.


Many countries have visa requirements for official or diplomatic passport holders that are greater than the requirements for regular (fee) passport holders. Please refer to the link blow when inquiring Visa requirements based on the Country you are visiting.


Passport Facility
TMO Code 5KF2
BLDG 2258
San Diego, CA 92145


Commercial: 858-307-1298/ 1303
DSN:  267-1298/ 1303


DMO freight shipping hours are 0730 to 1600, Monday thru Friday excluding Federal holidays. Hours of operations for receiving freight/small pack are 0730 to 1500. Request for extended hours to support mission requirements will be coordinated through the Director, Distribution Management Division.

Shipments larger than 10,000 to 40,000lbs will go through the units’ S4 to submit a TMR (Transportation Movement Request) through TCPT. Shipments exceeding 40,000lbs will require special permits (i.e. weight, height, width) and will be handled on a case by case basis. Outbound transportation documentation responsibilities include the preparation of Military Shipping labels (DD Form 1387), Signature And Tally Record (DD Form 1907), Commercial Bill Of Lading, Government Bills Of Lading (Standard Form 1103) and Transportation Control and Movement Documents (TCMD); DD Form 1384 in compliance with Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP) and Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) 4500.9R, for all outbound freight shipped from MCAS Miramar, the Distribution Management Office will determine the mode of transportation required for each shipment and ensure compliance with proper packing, packaging and preservation requirements, prices and records, applicable transportation costs in accordance with appropriate transportation priority. All cargo must go through PP&P section for packaging and hazardous material certification. The PP&P section ensures that the initial documentation (DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1149) corresponds with the stenciling on the cargo. If the cargo requires special handling or hazardous classification, it must also be accompanied by a Shipper’s Declaration to be completed by PP&P or a qualified hazardous certified person. If the cargo is hazardous, the section ensures that the information on the key block is verified and correct. If discrepancies are noted with the shipper's declaration, the cargo is rejected until the corrections are made.

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar