Mission Statement
HONOR – COURAGE – COMMITMENT, the foundation of who we are as Marines, what we stand for, what we believe. Trust among Marines and faith in this great institution are destroyed with every sexual assault. It's not just the victim who suffers, but also the entire unit when there is a sexual assault. Help is available 24/7 to prevent or to report sexual assault!
Click HERE for more information.
COM: 858-864-2815
COM: 877-995-5247
Service members who have been sexually assaulted and/or retaliated against because they have reported, or plan to report, a sexual assault have the option to report the assault and/or retaliation outside of their chain-of-command. Options for reporting outside of the chain-of-command include: SARC SAPR Victims Advocate DoD Safe Helpline IGMC (retaliation) NCIS (directly)
VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, AND OTHER SERIOUS CRIMES The Marine Corps Victims’ Legal Council Organization (VLCO) is to provide legal advice, counseling, and representation to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and other qualifying offenses, while ensuring that victims’ rights are Protected at all stages of the investigation and throughout the military justice process. Please contact Miramar’s VLCO at VLCO-West@usmc.mil or 703-232-3487
Disability Compensation for Conditions Related to Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
Some Veterans experience MST during their service. These traumas can affect mental and physical health, even many years later. If you experienced MST during service and suffer physically or mentally because of trauma, you may qualify for treatment. Veterans can apply for disability compensation for any current health conditions that were caused by or worsened because of their military service, including conditions related to MST. If you file a claim for disability compensation and VA determines you have disabilities related to your military service, you could receive:
• Monthly nontaxable compensation
• Other important benefits
• VA health care services
• 10-point hiring preference for federal employment
Ask your VA representative or Veterans Service Organization about:
• Disability compensation
• Pension
• Health care
• Caregiver program
• Career services
• Educational assistance
• Home loan guaranty
• Insurance
You can also contact a Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) MST Outreach Coordinator to help you with the claim process. All local VBA Regional Offices have MST Outreach Coordinators.
MCICOM Reporting Retaliation
MCICOM Reporting Outside of the Chain of Command
Military Sexual Trauma
VLCO Info Handout
Catch a Serial Offender (CATCH) Program
Includes one of the following actions when taken against a Service member because that member made or is preparing to make a protected communication, such as reporting a criminal offense. Service members and Department of the Navy personnel shall not retaliate against a Service member because the member reported a criminal offense and may be punished under the UCMJ as an order violation under Article 92.
Wrongfully excluding a military member from social acceptance, privilege, or friendship with the intent to do any of the following: inflict emotional distress, discourage the reporting of a criminal offense, or otherwise discourage the due administration of justice.
Preventing, or attempting to prevent members of the Armed Forces from making or preparing to make lawful communications to Members of Congress and/or an Inspector General.
Taking or threatening to take an unfavorable person or withholding or threatening to withhold a favorable personnel action or any other act of retaliation against a DoD member.
The cruelty toward, oppression of, or maltreatment of any individual subject to one’s orders.