Hathcock Range Complex

MCAS Miramar Logo
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California


Hathcock Range will be open 1000-1400 on assigned days for recreational shooting (hours are subject to change).

Lanes are assigned on a "first-come, first-serve" basis.

Only Active-Duty components and their sponsored guests are authorized to use the facility.

Once your sign-up is complete, revisit this section prior to your range time and verify range status has not changed below.

Shooters are required to bring their own: eye protection, ear protection, targets, and water.

If the firing line is full of shooters waiting to fire, a 1-hour time limit will be enforced per shooter/party.

All personnel MUST register no later than 1400 on the Tuesday prior to the shooting date. The roster will be vetted by PMO. Those not registered in time will be denied access to the range. 

Click HERE to register.

combat marksmanship coach (cmc) & Combat marksmanship trainer (cmt) Course

Click HERE to view the CMC & CMT Welcome Aboard package.

Contact Information

858.307.4657 OR 858.307.4659

EMAIL: miramarhathcockrng@usmc.mil

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar