Provost Marshal Office

MCAS Miramar Logo
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California

Address and Contact Information

Building 7117

Building 6200, located at the East Gate, MCAS Miramar


  • Drivers Awareness Certification from Marine Net for service members under the age of 26

  • Valid  driver’s license

  • Valid Insurance

  • Valid paper registration

  • Smog check for any vehicle registered outside the state of California that is 6 years or older to be compliant with the California Clean Air Act

  • Motorcycles will also need a valid motorcycle endorsement and BRC/ARC certification


  • Valid  driver’s license

  • Valid insurance

  • Valid paper registration

  • Smog check for any vehicle registered outside the state of California that is 6 years or older to be compliant with the California Clean Air Act



1. Bring all required documents to Bldg. 6200

2. A PMO employee will have you identify your social security number and set up a profile in the registration system if one is not already created

3. You will receive a print out of your on base registration and sign a copy for our records


You will need to keep your copy of your on base registration with your vehicle at all times.





California Clean Air Act

Privately-Owned Firearms Registration

East Gate of MCAS Miramar
Address: 6200 Miramar Way San Diego, CA 92145


  • Weapon must be in condition four, No magazine inserted, No round in chamber, stored in a locked container with no ammo. (AMMO IS NOT AUTHORIZED INSIDE BLDG 6200, VRC)

  • Proof of ownership (Bill of Sale, Registration Forms)

  • Do not bring the weapon inside until instructed to do so.

  • Active Duty must be in the uniform of the day in order to conduct official business

Steps on how to register:
1. Enter the front door of building 6200 and state that you need to register your weapon.

2. You will be directed to retrieve your weapon from your vehicle and proceed to the clearing barrel behind building 6200.

3. You will be instructed by a PMO employee to clear your weapon properly in the clearing barrel.  Follow proper clearing procedures posted on the wall.

4. Once cleared you will be instructed to fill out a document with your information and the weapons information.

5. Once completed a PMO employee will enter your information into the CLEOC system and provide you with a print out for your records; as well as issue you a weapons card for each weapon you are registering.

**Please note: this weapons card does not authorize you to concealed carry your weapon aboard the instillation and is only proof of registration. All weapons must be in the proper transport carry at all times. (refer to references)

Station Order on registering weapons 

Pet Registration

Lincoln Military Housing
Contact: (619) 556-7667

Pets are allowed at some communities. Be sure to let your housing office know ahead of time that you have a pet. You will need to register your pet with the office and follow the community policies with regards to the number of pets, weight and breed restrictions, pet security deposit and the care of your pet. 

Steps: Currently living in housing
1. Individuals currently living in base housing will need to go to their site office to register their pet
2. You will need to bring the shot records from the vet and a photo of your pet
3. You can check with your site office to obtain a list of restricted breeds

Steps: Applying to live in housing
1. Individuals applying to live in base housing should identify their amount and type of pet when filling out the application
2. The application will identify a list of restricted breeds
3. Ensure you have up to date shot records of your pet as well as a photo to provide the housing office

MCAS Miramar has a strict on leash policy. All pets that are outside of the residence should be on a leash

Resale Lot

East Gate of MCAS Miramar
Address: 6200 Miramar Way San Diego, CA 92145


  • Valid CAC, Dependent/retiree I.D.

  • Valid driver’s license

  • Valid Insurance

  • Valid paper registration

  • Vehicle must be registered on Base

1. Bring all required documents to Bldg. 6200

2. A PMO employee will verify your documents and assign you a spot in the lot

3. You will receive a placard with your assigned spot numbered and instructed to place it in your window while your vehicle is parked there


  • Spots are assigned on availability and in 30 day increments. If you need longer than 30 days please come back to Bldg. 6200 to get an updated placard

  • If you sell your vehicle before the 30 days please notify us so we can open up your spot to someone else

  • Vehicles parked in the lot and not authorized or assigned to be there are subject to be towed at the owners expense

Bicycle Registration

East Gate of MCAS Miramar
Address: 6200 Miramar Way San Diego, CA 92145


  • All bicycles must be registered on base. (All unregistered bicycles are subject to removal/disposal at owner’s expense). 

  • Bicycles will need to be brought into the VRC for a serial number verification.

  • Sponsor must have a valid form of Military Identification. 

1. Bring the bicycle to the VRC and an employee will verify your ID

2. You will be issued a registration card for the bicycle and will be required to keep it with you at all times while riding aboard MCAS Miramar

Stowe Trail

Permit and Application l Schedule l Public Safety l Rules and Regulations

The Stowe Trail is approximately 4 miles long and parallels the eastern border of MCAS Miramar and is marked with appropriate signs to facilitate access to the trail by members of the San Diego community who have obtained a valid permit. Applications for permits must be submitted through the MCAS Miramar Provost Marshal’s Office. The official MCAS Miramar website contains pertinent information regarding the process to obtain a permit and appropriate use of the trail.

*Note: There are no other trails aboard MCAS Miramar that will be opened.


 Stowe Trail Permit Application (PDF)

 Stowe Trail Liability Waiver (PDF)

Follow the instructions below to apply for access to Stowe Trail:

1. Download the background form and liability waiver via the link on this web page.

2. Read the liability waiver but DO NOT SIGN, this document must be witnessed at Vehicle Registration. If you do not agree to the liability waiver's provisions you will not be issued a pass and may stop the application here.

3. Fill out and sign the background document; instructions are on page 2 of the SECNAV 5512/1 form (Stowe Trail Permit Application) .

4. Bring the completed application/background document and liability waiver, with all required supporting identification in person to B6200, Vehicle Registration, MCAS Miramar (Accessed via I-15, take the Miramar Way exit, then west bound on Miramar Way) Use the right lane and inform the gate sentry that you need to drop off  your background form for Stowe Trail.

5. Allow 10 working days and then call Vehicle Registration at: 858-307-1463 to see if your background application is approved, denied or still pending.

6. If approved, you will be assigned a specific day that you can come to Building 6200, Vehicle Registration, MCAS Miramar to be photographed and receive your permit.

7. Enter Vehicle Registration and obtain a copy of your approved background form.

8. Once you have the background form, take it to the building adjacent to Vehicle Registration.

9. Provide the form to an official at Vehicle Registration and wait to receive your Stowe Trail identification card (permit).

Note: Wait times to receive the identification card may vary as uniformed personnel and civilian base employees have priority.

Note: Only U.S. Citizens are eligible to apply for a Stowe Trail permit.



PMO Base Access

*For PMO Base Access whether its for an event, personal or work related reasons, please use the appropriate form that serves your specific needs:

  1. PMO Event Support Request Form: To be used for events requiring road closures, event signage, parking closures, or flightline access (gates or turnstiles). The guest list will be included on this form and not any separate document.
  2. PMO Base Access Request (Guest Only): To be used for events on base that only require basic access to the installation. This form may also be used for personal or work-related visits.

**Please ensure that the appropriate form is submitted in advance to facilitate smooth processing.**

Here is the Station Order 5512.1D for “Instillation Perimeter Access Control Policy” for you to reference if you have any questions.


Mr. Adam Bala

Phone: 858-997-8744 Email:


· Minimum of 1-year experience in law enforcement or security, or educational equivalent (which may be waived for previous military service or current guard or reserve service).

· Must have an Honorable discharge (former military personnel only).

· Conformance to current tattoo policy.

· Must be able to pass a background check and physical fitness test. (No polygraph or voice stress test given).

· Must complete a physical health examination and drug test.

· Must adhere to current civilian police officer height and weight standards.

· Attend the Basic Police Officer’s Course.

· Please visit to review all conditions of employment, our current tattoo policy, and physical fitness requirements.


· Access to health, vision, and dental plans of your choosing.

· Enrollment in Federal Employee Retirement System

· Paid time off.

· Federal holidays are paid double your hourly rate.

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar