
MCAS Miramar Logo
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California



Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
Building 8380


P.O. BOX 452001


(858) 307- IPAC (4722)


Monday – Friday
*Please note that during the hours of 1130 – 1300 limited support will be available*

CHECK-IN PROCEDURES for marines on accession/temins/mrows orders

Marines checking-in to MCAS Miramar receipt of accession pipeline, TEMINS, and reserve Marines in receipt of PCS MROWS orders will check-in with the Inbound Branch immediately AFTER reporting to their gaining command’s S-1. Ensure personnel have their unit reporting endorsement. SRB, all travel orders/documents. 

Location: Building 8380, Room 109B

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Branch OIC: (858) 307-4468

Branch SNCOIC: (858) 307-4759

Branch Clerks: Ext 8834, 8835, 8838, 6605

Branch Distribution List: miramar_ipacinboundlist@usmc.mil

Branch SharePoint Site: https://usmc.sharepoint-mil.us/teams/IPACMiramarInboundBranch 

MCAS Miramar Information & Referral, Relocation Services: https://ppr-miramar.libguides.com/c.php?g=1109621&p=8090660

CHECK-IN PROCEDURES for non-accession pipeline marines

Marines checking in with operational or rotational PCS/PCA orders will check-in directly with their Command Duty Officer/S-1 and complete the check-in process via the MOL IBI and TVI module.  They are not required to check in with IPAC. 

after hours check-in procedures

Personnel checking-in after hours, holidays or weekends will report to the Command Duty Officer (CDO) located at building 8630. CDO phone number: 858-307-1141, DSN, 267-1141. Personnel checking-in to the CDO will be required to report to the IPAC at 7:30 a.m. the next business day to conduct an audit and travel claim.


Marines checking in are required to bring service record, all orders, receipts and any other documents that are needed to update their record and complete a travel claim.


Personnel checking in to a command on MCAS Miramar that need barracks/billeting, report to the Barracks Support Team (Formerly CBQ): Building 5300, (858) 307-1027.

For personnel reporting Prior to obtaining lodging other than Base Billeting (i.e. Inns of the Corps or Off-Station Lodging), a Statement of Non-Availability must be obtained from the Inns of the Corps.


The Outbound Branch is responsible for issuing all orders for personnel executing a permanent change of station & permanent change of assignment orders.
The Outbound Branch also helps facilitate the separation process and issues all DD-214 & separation orders to Marines separating or retiring from the Marine Corps.

Points of Contact:

Clerks: 858-307-4321

SNCOIC: 858-307-8998

OIC: 858-307-4489 Email: miramaripacoub@usmc.mil


Marines executing permanent change of assignment (PCA) orders to units within 50 miles of MCAS, Miramar will be issued no-cost/low-cost orders. All Marines are required to complete their Outbound Interview via Marine Online and report to IPAC Outbound with a command checkout sheet on the effective date of their orders. PCA orders are issued effective at 0800 and Marines MUST report to their new command ON THE SAME DAY no later than 1630. Orders will be issued on the effective date annotated on the Marines Outbound Interview.


Permanent Change of Station Orders (PCSO) are issued to Marines executing orders to locations within the Continental United States to include Hawaii and Alaska. Marines are advised to utilize the Orders Checklist to ensure that PCSO requirements are met prior to their departure.


Permanent Change of Station Orders (PCSO) Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) are issued to Marines exiting orders to locations outside of the Continental United States including Hawaii. Marines are advised to complete the overseas screening process as soon as orders are issued and to utilize the Orders Checklist to ensure that overseas requirements are met prior to their departure.

A checklist and additional information can be found:

IPAC Orders Checklist

OCONUS Required Medical Documents:

NAVMED 1300-1

NAVMED 1300-2

DD 2807-1

NAVPERS 1300-16

Entitlements and Important Links:

-Joint Travel Regulation: JTR.PDF (defense.gov)

-Mileage chart: Mileage Rates | Defense Travel Management Office (dod.mil)

-DLADislocation Allowance | Defense Travel Management Office (dod.mil)

-BAH calculator: Basic Housing Allowance | BAH Rate Lookup | Defense Travel Management Office (dod.mil)


OIC: 858-307-4489

SNCOIC: 858-307-6379

CLERKS: 858-307-4321

Ask our Admin

Email us: miramaripacoub@usmc.mil



This sections includes Marines that have either completed their initial contract, or have served less than 15 years of service. Marines that are being released from active duty, or discharged from the Marine Corps.

  • Transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve

    • Marines that still have reserve obligation, prior to their EOS.

    • Generally Marines with less than 8 years of service.

  • Discharges

    • Marines that do not have any reserve obligation, past their EOS.

    • Generally Marines that have more than 8 years of service.

  • Direct Affiliate Program (DAP)

    • Do you have an approved DAP package?

    • Yes: submit letter to IPAC separations section.

    • No: contact your local PSR for status or application.

    • Miramar PSR contact info:      PSR Sub-Station San Diego

Cell: (760) 214-1716

Office: (858) 307-8345

  • Marines approved for DAP will retain Medical and Dental records to deliver to SMCR unit.

Administrative Separations

  • Turn in 5-Day letter to IPAC via EPAR on date of CO signature.

  • Send Marines to IPAC to complete in-person OBI input.

  • Ensure Marines with a Characterization of General (under Honorable) have an escort with them at all times.

  • Ensure Marines have completed gear/clothing turn in, bring IPAC the command signed NAVMC 6.

  • Marines must all required documents on or prior to last day.

Administrative Document Requirements

  • TRS e-form signed by CO

  • COs Interview (enlisted only)

  • Oral exam: document provided by dental indicated by stamp that is circled yes/no.

  • Final Physical or PEB findings (TDRL/PDRL)

  • Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society letter

  • Command checkout sheet

  • Barracks checkout

  • DD form 2963 (STR): given to Marine upon receipt of Medical and Dental records.

  • Medical and Dental records

  • DD form 2656 (Retirements only)

Get your checklist here>>>>  \\mcuspndlfs11\c163\MCFPAC_MRMR_MCAS2\S-1\IPAC\OUTBOUND\2. SEPARATIONS\SEPSCHECKLIST Nov2022.pdf


OIC: 858-307-4489

SNCOIC: 858-307-6379

CLERKS: 858-307-4321

Ask our Admin

Email us: miramaripacoub@usmc.mil


Retirements (TDRL/ PDRL, Transfer to FMCR, TERA)

This sections includes Marines that have completed over 20 years of service that are being retired, transferred to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve (FMCR) or Marines that have submitted for Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA). This section also applies to Marines that have been approved for temporary or permanent disability retirement.

*Officer Retirements fall on the 1st of each month.*

*Enlisted Retirements fall on the last day of each month.*

  • Transfer to FMCR Process:

    • Complete appendix J and retirement’s checklist.

    • Submit packet to S1 to be approved by CO.

    • Once approved and signed by CO, must be sent to IPAC via EPAR with 4-14 months out from requested retirement date. IPAC will send email to Marine and S1 with HQMC determination. If approved, that email will contain admin checklist, timeline and DD form 2656 (SBP Form).

    • OBI will be available to Marine upon HQMC approval.

    • Complete OBI and submit to S1 for CO approval.

    • Ensure CO/S1 approves OBI prior to contacting IPAC.

  • TDRL/PDRL Process:

    • Marines that are approved for any type of disability retirement will be notified via email by IPAC upon approval from HQMC.

    • OBI will be available to Marine upon HQMC approval.

    • Complete OBI and submit to S1 for CO approval.

    • Ensure CO/S1 approves OBI prior to contacting IPAC.

  • Resignations Process:

    • Request resignation through your chain of command via standard naval letter.

    • Indicate in resignation letter if reserve commission is requested.

    • Complete and sign required PG.11.

    • Once approved and signed by CO, submit approved resignation to the IPAC via EPAR.

    • OBI will be available to Marine upon HQMC approval.

    • Complete OBI and submit to S1 for CO approval.

    • Ensure CO/S1 approves OBI prior to contacting IPAC.

  • TERA Process:

    • TERA packages are submitted via AA form, and routed by unit S1 to HQMC.

    • IPAC will send email to Marine and S1 with HQMC determination. If approved, that email will contain admin checklist, timeline and DD form 2656 (SBP Form).

    • OBI will be available to Marine upon HQMC approval.

    • Complete OBI and submit to S1 for CO approval.

    • Ensure CO/S1 approves OBI prior to contacting IPAC.


SBP PG.11:

Fillable Appendix J: Fillable Appendix J.pdf

Retirement Timeline: Retirement Timeline and Checklist April 2018.pdf

DD Form 2656 (SBP): \\mcuspndlfs11\c163\MCFPAC_MRMR_MCAS2\S-1\IPAC\OUTBOUND\2. SEPARATIONS\1. Seps Info\Notification Email\SBP DD2656.pdf


  • Am I authorized transition PTAD?  For circumstances that are eligible for separations PTAD, please refer to MARADMIN 170/14 para. 4

  • End of tour awards: Please verify with your command if you have a pending award prior to separation. Have your S1 send a copy to the IPAC to have award added to your DD214.

  • Retirement awards: Please verify with your command if you have a pending award prior to separation. Have your S1 send a copy to the IPAC to have award added to your DD214.

  • Retirement certificates: retirement certificates are generated for Marines that have approved for temporary/ permanent disability retirement and Marines being transferred to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve (FMCR). These certificates are created by HQMC (MMSR) and delivered to the Marines S1 upon approval of retirement.

  • Final travel claims: Final travel vouchers must be completed within 60 days from arrival to your final destination. The vouchers are to be completed via MOL and are submitted to the Disbursing office located on Camp Pendleton, CA. If you have any question in regards to your submitted claim please contact 760-763-7100

  • Weekend departures: Marines detaching on weekends/holidays will receive their orders on the last working day prior to their orders effective date.  Marines are required to sign an attestation acknowledging that they subject to their unit’s prescribed leave and liberty policy until the effective time and date of their orders.  Marines are not authorized to depart until detached by orders.    

  • DMO endorsements: personal OBI must be approved by command prior to IPAC being able to generate your requested DMO endorsement.


  • OIC: 858-307-4489

  • SNCOIC: 858-307-8998

  • CLERKS: 858-307-4321

  • CAMPEN DISBO: 760-763-7100


  • 0730-1630, MONDAY-FRIDAY


Marine Corps Air Station Miramar