Career Planner

MCAS Miramar Logo
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California

Mission Statement

We are here to ensure you understand all issues pertaining to your career as a Marine. As Career Planners, our primary mission is to assist Marines in improving their performance and competitiveness for promotion and retention.

Career Planners must be thoroughly familiar with the reenlistment process from prospecting to reenlistment ceremonies.  We work within Marine Corps units, primarily as the Commander's advisor for enlisted retention matters to include accurate completion of all forms pertinent to career planning such as reenlistment contracts (DD Form 4), Selective Retention Bonus Program (SRBP) forms, the career planning contact record, extension agreements, and appropriate Service Record Book (SRB) page 11 entries.

You are welcome to reach out to the H&HS Career Planning team with any inquiries you may have at (858) 307-8682.

Semper Fidelis.

Hours of Operation

0800-1630 (Mon-Fri)

Appointments preferred

Walk-ins welcomed

Contact Us

Career Planners

Staff Sergeant Isabella, Ashley D
Sergeant Shortsowles, Jonathan B.


Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron
Bldg 8671, Rm 252 (In the back of S1)


1. Have demonstrated the high standards of leadership, professional competence, and personal behavior required to maintain the prestige and quality standards of the Marine Corps. This may be waived by HQMC.

2. Have demonstrated the core values of honor, courage and commitment. This may be waived by the HQMC.

3. Have no alcohol related incidents while operating a vehicle or any other mode of transportation. This restriction is only subject to the current enlistment contract and extensions to that contract. This may be waived by HQMC.

4. Not be a sole surviving son/daughter. However, a Marine may waive this status. Also, Marines may be permitted early discharge if they are the only surviving child in a family which the father or mother, or one or more siblings, served in the Armed Forces and, because of hazards incident to such service, was killed, died as a result of wounds, accident, or disease, is in a captured or missing in action status, or is permanently disabled, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. This may be waived by HQMC.

5. Not be under a CMC imposed reenlistment restriction. This may be waived by HQMC.

6. Have no convictions by a Court-Martial. This restriction is only subject to the current enlistment contract and extensions to that contract. This may be waived by HQMC.

7. Have no convictions by civilian authorities (foreign or domestic) or action taken which is tantamount to a finding of guilty of an offense for which the maximum penalty under the UCMJ is confinement for six months or more or a fine of $500 or more. If the offense is not listed in MCO 1040.31, or is not closely related to an offense listed there, apply the maximum punishment authorized by the U.S. Code, or the District of Columbia Code, whichever is the lesser. This restriction is only subject to the current enlistment contract, and extensions to that contract. This may be waived by HQMC.

8. Have no more than two Non-Judicial Punishments (NJP). This restriction is only subject to the current enlistment contract, and extensions to that contract. This may be waived by HQMC.

9. Have a minimum conduct and proficiency mark average of 4.0/4.0 during the current enlistment contract and extensions to that contract. This may be waived by HQMC.

10. Be worldwide deployable and fit for rigorous combat duty at sea and on foreign shore unless previously waived by an expanded Permanent Limited Duty (PLD) board. HIV positive Marines are excluded from this prerequisite. Commanding Officer's certification remains "yes" to protect Marine's privacy. This may not be waived by HQMC, except as listed above.

11. Meet medical/dental standards as prescribed in MCO 1040.31. Provided the Marine is otherwise qualified for reenlistment, an extension may be requested for sufficient time to obtain treatment to meet prescribed dental standards. (a) HIV positive status will not be used to deny reenlistment. (b) Marines must be in category 1 (full duty status). (c) Screening must be certified within 90 days of executing Reenlistment. If the Marine does not reenlist within 90 days their record will be re-certified to ensure the Marine is still qualified to reenlist. This may not be waived by HQMC.

12. Pass a full, current physical fitness test and combat fitness test, unless previously waived by an Expanded Permanent Limited Duty (PLD) board. This may not be waived by HQMC, except in cases of Expanded PLD.

13. Not have an incident involving confirmed illegal use, possession, sale or distribution of a controlled substance. This may not be waived by HQMC.

14. Not be a conscientious objector. This may not be waived by HQMC.

15. Have no dependency or hardship that is not temporary in nature or that causes the Marine to be non-deployable or not available for worldwide assignment at any time. This may not be waived by HQMC.

16. Meet Body Composition Program (BCP) and Military Appearance Program (MAP) standards. This may not be waived by HQMC.

17. Not assigned to an alcohol treatment program, during the past 12 months. In these cases, Marines may request an extension for up to 12 months to allow them to complete their aftercare treatment program and to allow the command to observe their performance and conduct. The observation period begins on the date the Marine completes Level II or III alcohol treatment. Career Planners must confirm the completion date. This restriction does not apply 4-4 Enclosure (1) MCO 1040.31 to Marines who volunteer for treatment and have no performance or conduct problems. This may not be waived by HQMC.

18. Marines who are single parents and have custody of their children or dual military couples with dependents are required to comply with the instructions contained, which provide specific requirements for maintaining current family care plan in the event of deployment/TAD. This may not be waived by HQMC.

19. Must not fall under the provisions of the Lautenberg Amendment. This may not be waived by HQMC.

20. No missing fitness reports or date gaps of 30 days or more within the last five years or on the current contract, whichever period is greater. In general, a fitness report is processing status will be considered incomplete. The CMC (MMEA-6) may grant short-term extensions to allow time to address missing fitness reports. This may not be waived by HQMC.

21. Must meet the MOS security clearance requirements. This may not be waived by HQMC. (b) First-Term Marines. In addition to the basic reenlistment prerequisites, First-Term Marines must be a high school graduate or alternate credential holder. This may not be waived by HQMC. (c) Career Marines. The following are also considered disqualifying factors for reenlistment for career Marines: (1) Marine has submitted for transfer to FMCR or retirement. This may not be waived by HQMC. (2) Marine has previously refused to extend/reenlist to obtain the obligated service necessary to execute PCS/ or deployment orders. This may not be waived by HQMC unless the Marine accepts similar orders. (3) Marine has requested separation via an early separation program. This may not be waived by HQMC.

For information on MILITARY BENEFITS click HERE  


Marine Corps Air Station Miramar