Voter Registration Program
MCAS Miramar Logo
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California


The mission of the Voter Registration Program is to ensure that every Marine, their eligible family members, and other personnel serving with a Marine Corps unit, who are absent from their voting residence, and who are eligible to vote under the laws of their state, are provided absentee voting information and assistance to ensure that they have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.

The right to vote is one of the most important civil liberties. Moreover, voting is an obligation that accompanies and protects the freedoms we enjoy. Since the birth of our Nation, Americans have understood their obligation as citizens to vote. By meeting their obligation to express themselves with the ballot, Americans have preserved our democratic system. All Marines, civilian Marines, and their family members are encouraged to exercise their right to vote.

Address and Point of Contact

Voting Points of Contact:
Installation Voting Assistance Officer for MCAS Miramar
Minerva Edwards

Tel: 858-307-1977/4470
Location: Bldg 2258 room 130 or Bldg 8630 room 127
MCAS Miramar Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron
MCAS Miramar Unit Voting Assistance Officer:
Tel: 858-307-8379
Location: Bldg 9175 room 6
MCAS Miramar 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Installation Voting Assistance Officer (IVAO)
Tel: 858-307-8711
Location: Bldg 8402 room H102

General Information and Links

MCAS Miramar For general voting information/inquiries email:

To obtain voting materials, federal post card applications, voting assistance guides and written information on voter registration procedures, please contact the above named individuals or view Voting References and Online Resources.

To obtain Voting Materials, Federal Post Card Applications, Voting Assistance Guides, and written information on Voter Registration Procedures, please use the voting references and online resource links below.

Federal Voting Assistance Program Website

Voting Assistance Officer – training information

Frequently Asked Questions

Absentee Voting Information

Voting Assistance Guide

How To Order Voting Materials

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar