It is the policy of United States Marine Corps to ensure all civilian personnel are treated equitably in the workplace. Any current employee, applicant for employment, or former employee (Appropriated and Non-Appropriated Fund) of Marine Corps Installations West and its serviced command MCAS Miramar who believes that he or she has been discriminated against because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), National Origin, Age (40 or older), Physical or Mental Disability, Genetic Information, or Reprisal for previous EEO Activity is entitled to consult an EEO Counselor to try to resolve the matter.
Employees, supervisors, and managers who have questions about the EEO Process, Affirmative Employment Programs, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), request for Reasonable Accommodation (RA), the Pregnant Woman’s Fairness Act, or Special Emphasis Programs (e.g. African American Heritage; Women’s History; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) equal rights; Asian Pacific Americans; Women’s Equality Day; Hispanic Americans; People with Disabilities; and American Indian/ Alaskan Native Heritage) should call the EEO Office at your location. If you are a current employee, applicant for employment, or a former employee, and you have an issue related to one of the above issues, you should contact the MCAS Miramar EEO Office.
Ms. Theresa F. Dimapilis
Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist
MCAS Miramar EEO Office Office: 858-307-1120 Cell: 858-864-4672 Location: Building 8671, room 131
Department of the Navy Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement
Workplace Anti-Harassment Policy Statement
Marine Corps Southwest Region Civilian EEO Complaint Process