
MCAS Miramar Logo
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California

Hours of Operation

MCAS Miramar normal operating hours are as follows:
Monday-Thursday     8:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Friday                        8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Once per month until 11:00 p.m.)
Sunday                       2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

-- Hours are subject to change based on training requirements -- 

If you have further questions or concerns please contact the MCAS Miramar Operations Duty Officer (ODO) at (858) 307-4277 or

Email miramarmcas.odo@usmc.mil


To provide safe and efficient world-class airfield and training support services to all tenant and transient units aboard Miramar. Our commitment to uncompromising, personalized customer service enables our tenants, other Marine Corps commands, visiting military and interagency forces to enhance their combat readiness and effectiveness. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality service while continually developing ourselves as Marines and Civilians. Our goal is to maintain meaningful, long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with our neighbors and the local community.


MCAS Miramar Operations Department provides world class operational and service support excellence to all tenant organizations in order to facilitate achieving strategic combat readiness and training objectives.

Direct Noise complaints:

Citizens who wish "to speak to someone directly" can file their Noise Complaints through the MCAS Miramar Operations Duty Officer (ODO) at (858) 307-4277.  Expect the ODO to ask for some of your personal information up front in the conversation (i.e. Name, Address, Phone Number, and Nature of the Complaint) so they can accurately file your Noise Complaint within the MCAS Miramar Noise Complaint tracking system

Online Noise Complaints:

Citizens who wish to file your Noise Complaint electronically online may email the MCAS Miramar Operations Duty Officer (ODO) at miramarmcas.odo@usmc.mil. All Noise Complaints will be investigated provided that ample information is collected (i.e. name, address, time, and details of complaint to include type of aircraft). For more specific flight operational questions or concerns please contact the MCAS Miramar Community Plans and Liaison (CP&L) Office directly at (858) 307-6603.  For local San Diego News or Media outlets; please contact the MCAS Miramar Public Affairs Office (PAO) at 858-307-6000. 

In addition current and future monthly events regarding flight operations onboard MCAS Miramar are briefed monthly at the Community Leaders Forum (CLF) Meeting held on base usually the third Thursday of each month which is open to all San Diego Community Planning Groups.  San Diego Community Planning Groups can be found at this website:  https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles . Citizens who wish to have their voices heard in their community are encouraged to seek out their Chairperson or Community Planning Group members to learn more about MCAS Miramar flight operations.

Hobbyists in San Diego County are advised to follow the below FAA Guidelines and Procedures when operating in the vicinity of MCAS Miramar:

  • Do fly below 400 feet and remain clear of surrounding obstacles
  • Do keep the aircraft within visual line of sight at all times
  • Do remain well clear of and do not interfere with manned aircraft operations
  • Don't fly within 5 miles of an airport unless you contact the airport and control tower before flying
  • Don't fly near people or stadiums.  Don't fly an aircraft that weighs more than 55 lbs.
  • Don't be careless or reckless with your unmanned aircraft - you could be fined for endangering people or other aircraft

Air Transportation Coordination Office (ATCO) 858-307-7719 or 858-307-8406

Emergency Operations Center

Activated for any crisis at or around MCAS Miramar, 858-307-8530,
(only when activated 858-307-8537/8493 or miramarcoc.swo.fct@usmc.mil).

Hours of operation vary with various critical events.

Swimming Pool:

Hours of operation:
Swim Qualification – Mon-Thu:0700-1100, Fri: 0830-1100;
Lap Swimming – Mon-Fri: 1100-1300, Tue and Thu: 0530-0700
Contact Info

Regional Weather Service (METOC)

858-307-1533 or 858-307-1542
METOC hours of operation: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Rifle/Pistol Range

Hours of operation vary with use and demand. 
EMAIL: smbmiramarmcas.s3rng2@usmc.mil
DOWNLOAD: Combat Marksmanship Coach & Trainer Courses Welcome Aboard

Station Theater
858-307- 4142,
Hours of operation vary with use and demand.

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar