MCAS Miramar Logo
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California

Chapel Address

MCAS Miramar Chapel
5702 Bauer Rd
Bldg. 5632
San Diego, CA 92145-2013


DENOMINATION: Southern Baptist
STAFF RP: RP2 David E. Chinski

Chapel Contact Information:

Official Mailing Address:

MCAS Miramar Chapel

P.O. BOX 452001 Bldg. 5632

San Diego CA 92145-2013
(858) 307-1333, DSN 267-1333

Hours of Operation:  Monday through Friday 0730-1600

Main Office Number:  (858) 307-1333

Mission Statement

To provide religious ministry support to the Marines, Sailors and family members of Marine Corps Air Station Miramar and 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing by enabling them to accomplish their mission and objectives as spiritually fit warriors.

Vision Statement

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar Chaplain's Department seeks to be a force multiplier for all Maritime contingencies, whether forward deployed or domestic by making spiritually, ethical and morally fit Marines, Sailors and family members. We accomplish this by promoting and providing for the Free Exercise of Religion for all Active Duty and dependents while supporting all in their professional military pursuit of the Navy Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.

MCAS Miramar Command Religious Worship Services
Protestant Worship Service

  • Sunday 1030 Main Chapel

  • For other worship opportunities near you, please contact the main office


Welcome to the Command Religious Program of Marine Corps Air Station Miramar! Our mission is to help meet the spiritual needs of our Active Duty warfighters and their families according to the First Amendment of the Constitution. The Navy Chaplain Corps is the second oldest Corps in the Navy (next to the Marines) and has been an integral part of all Marine Corps and Navy activities since 1775. As the Psalmists says in Ps.33:12 "Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord".

From the first sermon ever preached on a ship, Navy Chaplains have been there to promote, provide and facilitate everyone's religious rights and quality of life who serve this wonderful country. For instance, previous Chaplains were instrumental in making positive changes in our Navy and even helped in setting up the Naval Academy.

This web page is designed to help those who are searching for help, whether spiritually, family, or Command related. We are available for a wide range of services from Worship related services to counseling to simple referrals. As the only Active Duty component of all service organizations, we have a unique position to be an advocate for each Marine and Sailor to the Command. Furthermore, we are the only place where there is complete confidentiality for those on Active Duty and dependents.

Please feel free to browse this web page and the many resources we offer.  There is something for everyone on this web source!

Check out our Facebook page at

God Bless.

Scott P. Mason CDR, CHC, USN

Links & Resources

Some of the below links are military related and work with the Chapel Staff, some are not. While we do not endorse every link, we offer this as a service for our patrons.
Related Links

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar