WESTOVER AIR RESERVE BASE - -- Approximately 500 Air Force Reserve flight crew members, maintenance technicians and support personnel will report to active duty in support of the Afghanistan surge in April.
The reservists are scheduled to be on active duty for six months as part of providing airlift support for the movement of 30,000 additional American troops supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
Westover's commitments overseas will also increase beginning in April, when about 300 additional Airmen are scheduled to serve four-to-six-month overseas deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In addition, airfield operations hours at Westover will also expand to 24 hours daily. The 24-hour operation will include additional C-5 flights arriving and departing the base.
There are 16 C-5B strategic airlifters assigned to Westover. The C-5 is the largest aircraft in the Air Force inventory and its aircrews deliver supplies and people worldwide in support of Air Force airlift operations.
Media will be allowed to cover mobilization activities under established DoD guidelines. More information will be provided as soon as it becomes available.