SAN DIEGO, Calif. -- Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS) 373 supported the San Diego Stand Down for Homeless Veterans and their families hosted by the Veterans Village of San Diego, July 17-19.
MWSS-373 transported and set-up 50 all-purpose tents, 50,000 square feet of camouflage netting, 1,100 military cots, and provided general site maintenance during the stand down.
“It wouldn’t be possible without the energetic support of the United States Marines,” said Rick Ochocki, development director for the Veterans Village of San Diego. “Everything we have here is actually [provided] by the active-duty Marines.”
According to Ronald Stark, office manager for the Veterans Village of San Diego, the HVSD was able to house and service to more than 900 veterans and their families throughout the weekend.
“The 3rd [Marine Aircraft Wing] has provided for the San Diego Stand Down for Homeless Veterans and their Families since 1997,” said Stark. “MWSS-373 led several of volunteers in this community effort.”
The Veterans Village of San Diego began as an effort by five combat veterans who reached out to work with the men and women who served in the military, said Ochocki.
“We’ve been doing Stand Down here in San Diego for … 28 years,” said Ochocki. “Each year we try [to provide] services to the veterans in need in our community.”
San Diego Stand Down for Homeless Veterans and their families had volunteers from civilian and military organizations providing child care, medical, dental, food and clothing services to the veterans.
“We set up the infrastructure for a small town,” said 1st Lt. Parker Tomasi, officer in charge of the combat engineer platoon. “It’s good training. But honestly, [with] the emotional value they get out of it, I [am never short] of volunteers.”